Create Teams That Can Run Themselves
As you become more established in running your own organization and generating more business, it will be necessary to delegate functions and tasks to other employees. The main purpose of
As you become more established in running your own organization and generating more business, it will be necessary to delegate functions and tasks to other employees. The main purpose of
A firm is only as strong as its people. Although that adage may seem trite, it is true - your business will only be successful if you have created a
Content marketing can be likened to the tree that falls in the woods. In both instances, if there's no one around to witness it, it's unclear whether it makes an
Here at The Covenant Group, we value our client relationships just as our clients do theirs. We spend a lot of time thinking about how we support our clients, and
Apple's attention to detail is the stuff of legend. The technology itself is designed to be intuitive, with clean lines and a futuristic look. But the corporate obsession with user
Increasingly, interactions between CEOs, business owners and their employees have switched from a top-down order of command to a more collaborative, symbiotic relationship. Communications technology has been a main driver of
Consider the reasons you decided to become an independent financial advisor. Did you want to be your own boss? Address a client need that you felt was going unfilled? Desire
Are you feeling stretched? Like there aren’t enough hours in the day and you never have enough time to do the really important or really enjoyable work. I would like
Many companies, regardless of industry, make earning and keeping clients' loyalty a central goal in their operations. Employee loyalty is often ignored or pushed further down the list of priorities,
Developing a vision for your company is the first step in laying a solid foundation upon which to build your business. When you have a sound understanding of what you
Think about all the times that you have stayed at a hotel or dined at a restaurant. Which experiences stand out in your memory? What establishments have you decided to
A common problem that many entrepreneurs face is getting the business to run without them. After all, who else knows the ins and outs of your firm better than you?
In any business, it's important to accept that there will be times when you or your employees will have a dissatisfied client. But the way you manage disgruntled clients and
Podcasts have become a means for people to keep track of their favourite radio shows and learn about a variety of topics without having to tune in to a specific
Have you organized your staff in a way that allows them to work independently on projects and tasks while still delivering results that meet your expectations? Or do they regularly
It seems to be an affliction many entrepreneurs share - they think that by putting in long work weeks and thinking about nothing but their burgeoning businesses, they will be
Many companies are planning to ramp up their investment in social media marketing this year, as the channel continues to prove itself as an easy, cost-effective way to reach both
Financial services professionals and organizations have been reticent to reach out to and engage their clients through social media platforms. This may be partly due to compliance fears, although a
When you start your own business, your approach to hiring staff may consist of just picking those capable of coping with an increasing workload, resulting in a patchwork of skills
Communication is the focal point of customer service, and a failure to talk with the clients you serve is essentially a guarantee that the relationship will be shallow and short-lived. Research
As the entrepreneur and founder of your business, there is no doubt that you are eager and willing to step in and do whatever is necessary to bring your vision
Employees who decide to start on their own entrepreneurial journey often try to do everything required in running a business while starting up. They are their own administrative assistants, as
Delegating to technology is a central feature in The Covenant Group's program. Ongoing investments in your business are necessary to help it expand and grow. One of the newest tech
Social media websites have given consumers a voice and power previously limited to corporate public relations departments and major news organizations. Now, anyone with an internet connection can share a