What high performing teams do right

When Google’s People Operations team set out to understand how they could build the perfect team. They identified psychological safety as the single most important pattern of high-performing teams. But, what

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To Whom are you Accountable?

Large, publicly traded corporations have regulators, as well as their shareholders, to hold them accountable to their performance and compliance. What about smaller firms? Who is ensuring that they engage

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Recruit the Right People

“In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn” Phil Collins, Genesis A number of years ago Sun Life Financial entrusted me with the responsibility of growing the vast

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Leadership vs. Management

Is a good manager automatically a good leader or vice versa? Definitely not. Yet so many people continue to question the difference between leadership and management. And, many people view

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How Telecommuting Impacts Business

Today's workforce is demanding more flexibility from their workplace and many companies are opening up to telecommuting as an option to employees. Recently, Wired cited Forrester research from last year

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3 Steps to Embrace Sales Growth

Complacency will be the downfall of any sales team. Unfortunately, countless organizations fall into the trappings of habit and comfort that eventually result in stagnation. Client demands and preferences generally aren't written in

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Find Problems, Don’t Just Solve Them

Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. They spend their days resolving situations for the public, clients and colleagues. While they may be good at quickly identifying fixes for frequent issues people and other

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