What high performing teams do right

When Google’s People Operations team set out to understand how they could build the perfect team. They identified psychological safety as the single most important pattern of high-performing teams. But, what

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Are you a Fox or a Hedgehog?

“The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”   -Archilochus I first heard of this quote from the podcast Hidden Brain and it got me thinking about

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What Makes a Great Leader

The topic of leadership has been written about countless times, yet so many of us get it wrong. We often read descriptors like “a Sheppard herding sheep” to describe leaders.

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Mastering the Art of Persuasion

The art of persuasion needs to be mastered by business owners. Entrepreneurs who are able to employ the art of persuasion may find it easier to receive financing, ensure new clients

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Adapting to Disruptions

Today, we are hearing a lot about the rise of the “robo-advisor”— a self-service platform that give users a suite of investment tools for accessing and analyzing their financial information

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Mindfulness Meditation and Presence

What is Mindfulness Meditation? Dan Siegal, a prominent psychiatrist and advocate of Mindfulness would say that mindfulness is being present without being swept up by judgements. Researchers have found that being present affects our

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Mind Over Matter

As a performance coach in New York City to many competitive wealth managers and advisors around the world, I have become profoundly aware of the need for the skill known

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