WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2020 | 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
André Ferraro doubled his revenue in the first nine months of working with The Covenant Group. He is a Financial Security Advisor with 19 years’ experience in the field. He is currently experiencing a 33% increase in business activity during the pandemic. Known as Mr. PACman at IA, having one of the largest, automated investment books in Quebec regarding segregated funds.
In this Wednesday, May 20th session, André shared how he learned and applied strategies & tactics that will enable him to double his business every one to three years.
In this webinar, we discussed:
- André’s Breakthrough Moment
- The role of innovation in transforming his business
- How he put his clients to work for him
- How he integrated Strategy and Tactics to grow his business
Redefining performance has enabled André to continue to grow in these challenging times.
Watch the recording to learn how innovation can transform your business.

André Ferraro
Financial Security Advisor at Industrial Alliance

Norm Trainor
Founder & CEO
To contribute to the growth of a learning organization, yours and mine.

Keita Demming, PhD
Development & Innovation
Generating added value to drive new and existing relationships.