As a rainmaker, your ability to grow is largely dependent on the amount of time you are able to spend developing relationships. The key is to delegate most of the tasks to others, so that you are able to devote your time to attracting and retaining clients.

There are three management strategies when delegating tasks that allow you maximum time with clients and potential clients:

  1. Optimization vs. Maximization
  2. Delegate Functions
  3. Assign Tasks by addressing Context, Purpose, Quantity, Quality, Time and Resources (CP – QQT & R)

In this article, we will look at the third of these strategies: Assign Tasks by addressing Context, Purpose, Quantity, Quality time and Resources (CP – QQTRD).

On any given day, you can perform tasks that are worth $20-30/hour, up to $500-1,000/hour. The key to effectiveness is to focus on your unique ability and the highest value tasks. Delegating lower value tasks creates operational leverage so that you are freed up to focus on client building tasks that enhance contribution to revenue and the value of the business.

When delegating effectively, it is important that you assign tasks with clear duties and objectives, and tasks that your people are capable of completing. For instance, asking your administrative assistant to close a big sale is probably not going to get you the results you are looking for.

Effective delegation involves a six step process:

By definition, context addresses how everything ties together. When you assign a task, you start by describing how it relates to other tasks and fits into your overall objectives

You describe why this task is important and what you want to accomplish.

The focus of quantity is how much, of what and by when. How many clients are you assigning to that person? Be clear about your expectations as to who and what you are delegating. Remember to consider if the person has the organizational capabilities to handle the task.

How large an account is it? Review what you want done and how you want it done. Determine if person has the expertise to provide the level of service required.

How many dollars? Be sure that the person to whom you are delegating understands what kind of financial impact this will have on your business. Consider if the person is comfortable dealing with large sums.

While quantitative standards are objective, qualitative measures are more subjective.

Quality standards: Review and make sure the person understands what needs to be done and to what standards. Everyone has their own interpretation of a “good” or “thorough” job. Make sure you communicate what exactly it is that you expect.

Comparables: To avoid confusion or misinterpretation, it is a good idea to give the person examples of other work that reflects your expectations. This will act as a guideline for any new work being done.

Outcomes: Make sure the person knows what your expectations are. That way, they will have a greater chance of carrying out the task successfully if they know what the desired end result is.

The time you intend it to be done by: If you want a task completed on time, set timelines! Make sure your person knows how long they have to finish the task so they can organize their own time accordingly.

Monitoring time: If you want to periodically check in on the progress of the task, set it out in a time schedule. If you want certain milestones achieved by certain interim deadlines, communicate the time expectation.

When delegating tasks, make sure you setup people for success, not failure, by making sure they have the resources to complete the task:

Budget: Do they have enough money to cover any costs that may crop up?

Time: Have you set reasonable deadlines for the completion of the task, especially in consideration of their other responsibilities?

Equipment: Do they have access to the right technology or office equipment?

Help from others: Do they have access to other personnel that they can go to for opinions or to ask questions?

It is important that those you are delegating tasks to understand that you are available to answer any questions or address any challenges they are having in completing the tasks for themselves. Those who report to you should feel a sense of psychological safety in coming to when they require help.

Effective delegation of tasks enables your people to demonstrate their competence and work independently. In turn, it allows you to focus on your highest value tasks.

At The Covenant Group, we guide entrepreneurs, business leaders and their teams through each aspect of developing and implementing your Business Plan. The intent is to provide you with a clear understanding of where your business is going and how you will get there.